Jireh Africa Missions (JAM)

Jireh Africa Missions (JAM)


The Jireh Youth Group, Outreach Program

Serving God Through Music

At present, Jireh Youth Group has more than 60 members. We have so far recorded 80 songs and shot 10 videos with the help of Briton Pictures. 
The group has managed to visit the elderly in the villages and give them some support like 2 kgs of sugar and 2kgs of rice to each home, by doing this we donated 100kgs of rice and 100kgs of sugar. 
We have been able to carry out seminars in the villages. A recent seminar and crusade was in a place called Lukaya about 85km from Kampala on Masaka road on 7th/May/2017. 
We have also started Jireh’s band Junior . This is a group ages 7 to 12 and it’s a group of dancers only.


Jireh’ ministries started up projects to train youths not only in music but also in other fields like, Hair dressing, Hair Weaving and Styling, Simple Catering, Art and Crafts and Computer training. This will enable the youth to start their own businesses in the future.  
Jireh' Outreach has been blessed to also help to bring fresh, clean water to villages through generous donations made by people like you. We do this by hiring a local engineer and team to bring a BoreHole well to the village. We select a needy village every time we raise enough funds. Approximately $2,000 (US) will fund a well for a village. Thank you for your donations!


Jireh’s ministries has helped many youth who had gone astray to come back to their good senses. For example, there were some young people whose lives had been taken up by drugs, fornication, alcoholism, vulgar language and now they have completely abandoned these bad acts. They lead a life of good reputation where by both the community and their guardians are proud of them. Previously, some of them had become a problem to their parents but the fear of God has touched and changed them. 
Jireh’ ministries has also boosted the talents of many youth. Over the years, many youths have had the a ability in them but it hasn’t been exploited because they have never been given the chance. With Jireh’s band , many have been encouraged and it has been a great help to many youths because their talents have been carried on up to secondary school and we believe it will be part of their life. 
With the help of God, Jireh’ ministries has also made an effort in raising up a generation of God fearing (respecting) young men and women. In fact, they have emerged to be good leaders in churches, schools and in the community. 
Jireh’ members strongly believe that the fear (respect) of God is the beginning of wisdom. {Proverbs 9:10}. We happily testify that through this ministry we have seen youth excelling in various fields, especially in academics. 
Today we have 8 graduates in various fields and others are in primary and secondary. We thank almighty God for that it would not be so, if these people didn’t love and respect God.


Jireh Outreach emphasizes total accordance to rules amongst our members. This is enforced by having Rules of Conduct and should they be broken, which is done without favor or fear of criticism, the misbehaving member is stopped from ministering immediately and worked with on a one on one basis to bring them back into favor with the ministry's goals and guidelines before they are allowed to minister to others again. 
The group also has prayer warriors since the Bible says there are some things which can’t be removed without prayer and fasting.


However, as much as Jireh’ ministries has tried to promote youths in the target community, there is still much need for funds to run the programs smoothly especially in Hair styling, Weaving , computer training and music. The lack of funds has put most of our programs on standstill because we don’t have enough equipment to use so the struggle continues but we believe God to help us.


To train youths in different fields such as Hair dressing , Weaving , Computer skills, Art and designing (making table cloths, door mats , sweaters) and tailoring. This will help the youths in the community to start their own businesses in future because it has been one of the biggest challengers in our country. 
The group aims at reaching the disadvantaged people like the aged and orphans with any available support.


1. Salon equipment which is used in the hair styling. 
2. Tailoring equipment like sewing machines for we have got one as per now. 
3. To buy materials to be used in art and designing. 
4. P.A system 
5. 2 Sets of desktop Computer to help on training computers skills . 
6. Building schools i e Primary schools, Secondary schools and Technical institutes.  
The best way to contribute to these needs, is to donate funds as all items are available to be purchased locally at a lower cost than purchasing elsewhere and shipping.

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